Ssalefish GSO First Look #69 for 7.25.18
Explicit language above!
As usual, there's a LOT going on this week!
First off, Jay & I made a house call this Sunday and ended up buying 3 long boxes or trades and hardcovers, a dozen statues, and over 5,000 comics! We've been posting several pictures of the books on our Instagram & Facebook pages, and the statues are already in the cases and graphic novels are out on the shelves, but it's going to take us weeks to completely process everything, from the backwall down to dollar books.
It amazes me looking at how quickly we got the deal, the largest we've ever made, done, and how much more confident we were in doing it vs. our very first deal, where neither myself or Jay could even sleep the night before our negotiations.
Secondly, Comic Con International in San Diego is taking place this weekend, which means a TON of new comic announcements, like Grant Morrison taking over Green Lantern with a new first issue!
And finally, next Wednesday, July 25th is my 34th birthday, so enjoy BUY2 GET 1 FREE at the Greensboro store on all graphic novels, toys, statues, and standard back issues! If you've read this far, I appreciate you tuning in every week and you're to be rewarded for it!
The following titles are scheduled to ship on Wednesday, July 25th excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
- Action Comics #1001 - Bendis begins his run on the Supes-sister title, drawn by former Superman artist Patrick Gleason, with a choice of covers by Pat, David Mack, and Francis Manapul!
- Adventure Time Beginning of the End #3
- Amazing Spider-man #2 - J. Scott Campbell variant available!
- American Gods My Ainsel #5
- Aquaman #38 - Joshua Middleton variant available for cover price!
- Batman Beyond #22
- Batman TP vol. 6
- Bedtime Games #2
- Big Trouble in Little China Old Man Jack #11
- Blackwood #3
- Bone Parish #1 - from the creative team that brought you last year's smash-hit Boom Studios title Grass Kings, Matt Kindt & Tyler Jenkins!
- Britannia Lost Eagles of Rome #1
- Brothers Dracul #4
- Charlie's Angels #2
- Crossed Plus 100 Mimic #4
- Crow Momento Mori #4
- Cyko Ko #1
- Dark Souls Age of Fire #3
- DC Beach Blanket Bad Guys Special #1
- DC Universe by Mike Mignola TP
- Deadpool Assassin #4
- Dejah Thoris #6
- Descender #32 - FINAL ISSUE!
- Detective Comics #985
- Doomsday Clock #6 - halfway there!
- Dungeons & Dragons Baldur's Gate #3
- Eden #1
- Fence TP vol. 1
- Flash #51
- Gasolina #10
- Gravetrancers #4
- Green Hornet #5
- Hack Slash Resurrection #9
- Hal Jordan & the Green Lanterns Corps #49
- Harbinger Wars 2 #3
- Hellblazer #24
- Hillbilly #12
- Hit-Girl #6
- Hunt for Wolverine Mystery in Madripoor #3
- Infinity Wars Prime #1 - Marvel promises big things from this lead-in to the next cosmic event!
- Jim Henson's Labyrinth Coronation #5
- Joe Hill The Cape #2
- Judge Dredd Under Siege #3
- Justice League Dark #1
- Long Con #1
- Looney Tunes #244
- Lucy Dreaming #5
- Lumberjanes #52
- Marvel Two-in-One #8
- Mera Queen of Atlantis #6 - final issue!
- Mike Hammer #2
- Modern Fantasy #2
- Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur #33
- Moon Knight #197
- Moonshine #12
- Mother Panic Gotham A.D. #5
- Mr. & Mrs. X #1 - Gambit & Rogue star in their own series spinning out of X-Men Gold!
- Multiple Man #2
- My Hero Academia TP vol. 14
- New World #1 - Tradd Moore is a personal favorite artist of mine, and it's been years since he's done full interiors on anything!
- Old Man Logan #44
- Pestilence Story of Satan #3
- Punisher #228
- Punk's Not Dead #6
- Realm #8
- Redneck #13
- Regular Show 25 Years Later #2
- Rick & Morty #40
- Saga #54 - and so ends another arc!
- Savage Dragon #236
- Scooby Doo Team-Up #40
- Sentry #2
- Shanghai Red #2
- Silencer #7
- Sonic the Hedgehog #7 - foil variant available for cover price!
- Star Wars Adventures #12
- Star Wars Doctor Aphra #22
- Star Wars Lando Double or Nothing #3
- Starcraft Scavengers #1
- Tank Girl All-Stars #2
- Teen Titans #20 - following up on the sold-out special (reprints also available on Wednesday), this will be the first full appearance of Lobo's daughter, Crush!
- Terrifics #6
- Tinseltown #3
- TMNT #84
- Transformers Bumblebee Movie Prequel #2
- Transformers Lost Light #21
- Transformers Unicron #2
- True Believers Fantastic Four Birth of Valeria #1 - reprinting Mark Waid & Mike Wieringo's Fantastic Four #54 for $1!
- True Believers Fantastic Four What If? #1 - reprinting 1977's What If? #1, positing what if Amazing Spider-man #1 had gone differently and he'd joined the FF earlier!
- True Believers Fantastic Four New Fantastic Four #1 - bringing together Ghost Rider, Wolverine, the Hulk, and Spider-man!
- Venom #4
- Venomized TP
- Wakanda Forever X-Men #1
- Walk Through Hell #3
- Warframe TP vol. 1
- Wayward #27
- We Are Danger #2
- Wonder Woman #51
- X-23 #2
- X-Men Blue #32
- X-Men Blue TP vol. 4
- X-Men Grand Design Second Genesis #1 - Ed Piskor is back with the second half of the complete chronological history of the mutant race!
- X-Men Origins Complete Collection TP
- X-O Manowar #17
- Zero Jumper #3