Ssalefish GSO First Look #114 for 6.12.19
Last night meant turning the lights out long after the Papa John’s drivers made their final run, but it certainly made for a smoother Wednesday morning!
This weekend I’m off to Chicago to visit my niece Ellie! Hopefully we’ll get to catch a game or head downtown, but getting to see her will be well worth the trip!
The following titles are scheduled to ship on Wednesday, June 5th excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
Age of Conan Belit #4
Age of X-Man Apocalypse & X-Tracts #4
Age of X-Men Marvelous X-Men #5 - final issue!
Amazing Spider-man #23 - Daniel Acuna Marvels 25th Anniversary Tribute and Stuart Immonen Spider-man Red & Blue Suit variants available!
Archie #705
Asgardians of the Galaxy #10 - “War of the Realms” tie-in!
Avengers No Road Home TP
Batman & the Outsiders #2 - Otto Schmidt variant available for cover price!
Batman Who Laughs #6 - Jenny Frison available for cover price!
Boys Omnibus TP vol. 2
Bronze Age Boogie #3
Catwoman #12 - Stanley “Artgerm” Lau throws it back to Selina’s first appearance!
Champions #6 - “War of the Realms” tie-in with an In-Hyuk Lee Marvels 25th Anniversary Tribute variant available!
DC Poster Portfolio Stanley “Artgerm” Lau TP
Detective Comics #1000 Deluxe HC
Detective Comics #1005 - Stjepan Sejic variant available for cover price!
Elvira Mistress of the Dark #6
Empty Man #8
Event Leviathan #1 - spinning out of the events of Action Comics, Brian Michael Bendis is joined by artist Alex Maleev, the team that brought you one of the greatest runs on Daredevil of all time, plus New Avengers The Illuminati, Secret Invasion The Cabal, and Scarlet! Kenneth Rocafort variant available for cover price!
Flash #72 - “Year One” part 3 with a Derrick Chew variant available for cover price!
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man #7
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #263
Giant Man #3 - final issue of the “War of the Realms” tie-in!
G.L.O.W. #2
Gogor #2
Goosebumps Horros of the Witch House #2
Grumble #7
Gunning for Hits #6 - final issue!
Hawkman #13 - In-Hyuk Lee variant available for cover price!
Hawkman TP vol. 1
House of Whispers #10
Hulkverines TP
Ice Cream Man Tp vol. 3
Immortal Hulk #19 - Emanuela Lupacchino Spider-man Armor Suit and Greg Smallwood Marvels 25th Anniversary Tribute variants available!
Incredibles 2 Secret Identities #3
Invaders #6
Ironheart #7
John Carpenter’s Tale of Sci-Fi Nuclear Attack #1
Jughead Time Police #1
Junior High Horrors TP
Justice League Odyssey #10 - Lucio Parrillo variant available for cover price!
Life & Death of Toyo Harada #4
Major X #5
Marvel Action Spider-man #5
Marvel Tales Spider-man #1 - reprinting Amazing Spider-man #66, the first appearance fo Jessica Drew’s Spider-woman in Marvel Spotlight #32, and Spectacular Spider-man #90 for $7.99 with a new cover by Jen Bartel!
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #78
Oblivion Song #16
Orphan Age #3
Outer Darkness #7
Prodigy #6 - final issue!
Punisher #12
Red Hood Outlaw #35 - Yasmin Putri variant available for cover price!
Red Sonja Birth of the She-Devil #1
Rick & Morty Presents Mr. Meeseeks #1
Ride Burning Desire #1 - main cover by Adam Hughes!
She Could Fly #3
Silver Surfer Black #1 - pumped for this one from the modern marvel Donny Cates and one of my favorite artists, Tradd Moore! Blank, Nick Bradshaw, ComicsPRO exclusive Adi Granov, Gerald Parel, and Ron Lim variants available!
Sonata #1
Spider-man Life Story #4 - Kaare Andrews variant available!
Star Trek Q Conflict #5
Star Trek vs. Transformers TP
Star Wars Vader Dark Visions #5 - final issue!
Supergirl #31 - Amanda Conner variant available for cover price!
Superior Spider-man #7 - “War of the Realms” tie-in!
Superman #12 - Adam Hughes variant available for cover price!
Symbiote Spider-man #3 - Ron Lim variant available for cover price!
Transformers #7
True Believers Sinister Secret of Spider-man New Costume #1 - reprinting Amazing Spider-man #258 for $1!
True Believers Spider-man Morbius #1 - reprinting the living vampire’s first appearance from Amazing Spider-man #101 for $1!
True Believers Spider-man vs. Hulk #1 - reprinting Amazing Spider-man #328 for $1!
Trust Fall #1
Umbrella Academy Hotel Oblivion #7 - final issue :*(
Unbearable Squirrel Girl #45 - “War of the Realms” tie-in!
Unnatural #10
V-Wars God of Death #1
Venom #15 - “War of the Realms” tie-in with a Simone Bianchi Marvels 25th Anniversary Tribute variant available!
Wonder Twins #5 - Stacey Lee variant available for cover price!
Wonder Woman #72 - Jenny Frison variant available for cover price!
X-Force #9
Also shipping next week:
Batman Black & White Blind Bag Series 2 Figures