Ssalefish GSO First Look #189 for 12.16.20
I think I’ve mentioned before that in my opinion Saturday Night Live is at its best in the week’s leading up to Christmas, with classics like Serial - The Christmas Surprise, NPR’s Delicious Dish, and I Wish It Was Christmas Today, and they wasted no time this year with a send-up to Eminem’s “Stan”!
New Ssalefish t-shirts will be available at all three stores by this time next week! I’m very excited to change up my everyday repertoire since I’ve pretty much just been rocking the same Star Wars-style shirt from last year non-stop!
My second WD custom pickguard arrived and I finished my take on Steve Klein of New Found Glory’s Catalyst-era Jazzmaster with an EMG-81 pick-up. I had built a version of his Stratocaster with the money that I got from graduating high school, but I sold it when I got into some money trouble my freshman year at UNCG and even then the wiring never on that one never worked quite right, so to have this now and have it wail the way it is feels like coming full circle!
The following titles are scheduled to ship on Wednesday, December 16th (Tuesday, December 15th for DC) excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
Aggretsuko Meet Her Friends #2
American Ronin #3
Amethyst #6 - final issue!
Aquaman #66 - “Endless Winter” tie-in with a Dima Ivanov variant available for cover price!
Barbalien Red Planet #2
Batman #105 - cardstock Francesco Mattina variant available for premium cover price!
Batman’s Grave #12 - final issue with a Kevin Nowlan variant available for cover price!
Big Girls #5
Black Cat #1 - “King in Black” tie-in with Taurin Clarke “Knullified”, Todd Nauck “Headshot”, Sara Pichelli, C.F. Villa, and Skottie Young variants available!
Blade Runner 2029 #1
Bomb Queen Trump Card #4 - final issue!
Captain America #26 - Julian Totino Tedesco “Knullified” variant available!
Captain America Winter Soldier Complete Collection TP - my all-time favorite Cap store, back in print!
Cat Kid Comic Book Club HC vol. 1
Catwoman #28 - Jenny Frison variant available for cover price!
Commanders in Crisis #3
Cutting Edge Siren’s Song #2
Cyberpunk 2077 Trauma Team #4 - final issue!
Dark Knight Returns Golden Child HC
Dark Nights Death Metal #6 - David Finch, Stanley “Artgerm” Lau, and Lucio Parrillo (featuring B.Rex!) variants available for cover price!
Deadpool #9
Decorum #6
Dejah Thoris #9
Die TP vol. 3
Die!namite #3
Doctor Who Comics #2
Dr. Strange Surgeon Supreme TP vol. 1
Expanse #1
Fantastic Four #27 - Juan Ferreyra “Knullified” variant available!
Firefly #24
Green Lantern Season Two #10 - J.G. Jones variant available for cover price!
Head Lopper #14
Hotline Miami Wildlife #4
Immortal Hulk #41 - Joe Bennett “Homage” variant available for cover price!
Iron Man #4 - Peach Momoko “Stormbreaker”, Todd Nauck “Headshot”, Dave Rapoza “Knullified”, and Ron Lim “LEGO” variants available!
Justice League #58 - “Endless Winter” tie-in with a Jen Bartel variant available for cover price!
Kick-Ass vs. Hit-Girl #2
Killing Red Sonja #5
King in Black Immortal Hulk #1
King Tank Girl #2
Life is Strange Partners in Time #3
Locke & Key in Pale Battalions Go #3 - final issue!
Machine Girl & Space Invaders #2
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #17
Mega Man Fully Charged #5
Mermaid Saga Collector’s Edition TP vol. 1
Miskatonic #2
New Mutants #14
Nightwing #77 - Alan Quah variant available for cover price!
Once & Future #14
Post Americana #1
Power Rangers #2
Rai #10
Reckless HC - the first in a series of original graphic novels coming out over the next year from the greatest collaborators of the modern era, Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips!
Remina HC - from horror master Junji Ito!
Rorschach #3 - Jock variant available for cover price!
Savage Avengers #16
Savage Dragon #255
Scooby-Doo Where Are You #107
Second Coming Only Begotten Son #1 - the very much enjoyed the blasphemous but inoffensive tone of the first volume from Mark Russell and Ahoy Comics!
Seven to Eternity #15
Sh*tshow #1 - gotta love the title!
Star Trek Voyager Seven’s Reckoning #2
Star Wars Darth Vader #8 - John Tyler Christopher “Action Figure” and Chris Sprouse “Empire Strikes Back” variants available for cover price!
Stillwater #4
Superman #28 - cardstock Kael Ngu variant available for premium cover price!
Symbiote Spider-Man King in Black #2
Tales from the Dark Multiverse Crisis on Infinite Earths #1
Teen Titans Endless Winter Special #1 - Simone Di Meo variant available for cover price!
Vain #3
Vampirella/ Red Sonja #12
Walking Dead Deluxe #5
We Live #3
We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #4
Wolverine Black White & Blood #2
X-Force #15