Ssalefish GSO First Look #202 for 3.17.21
I am Groot.
The following titles are scheduled to ship on Wednesday, March 17th (Tuesday, March 16th for DC) excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
Abbott 1973 #3
Batman vs. Ra’s al Ghul #5 - I think most people had given up on this Neal Adams vehicle that hasn’t had an issue in 13 months, but it’s finally ready to conclude with the final two issues!
Bequest #1
Black Knight Curse of the Ebony Blade #1 - gotta get you ready for Dane Whitman’s role in Eternals this summer! “Black Blank”, Juan Cabal “Stormbreakers”, Stephanie Hans “Legend”, Peach Momoko, Todd Nauck “Headshot”, and Ron Lim variants available!
Captain America Anniversary Tribute #1 - in the vein of the Giant-Size X-Men Tribute to Len Wein, this will have a variety of artists recreating the pages of Captain America Comics #1 and Avengers #4!
Captain Marvel #27 - Bernard Chang “Man-Thing” and Stephanie Hans variants available!
Catwoman #29 - cardstock Jenny Frison variant available for premium cover price!
Champions #5 - Sara Pichelli “Man-Thing” variant available!
Curtiss Hill TP
Cyberpunk 2077 Trauma Team TP
E Ratic #4
Eros Psyche #1 - another new (or at least newly translated) series from Heartbreakers, Faithless, and Luna creator Maria Llovett!
Expanse #4 - final issue!
Fall TP vol. 1
G.I. Joe Castle Fall #1
Gert & the Sacred Stones TP
Happy Hour #5
Hawkeye Go West TP - get ready for the Disney+ show starring Clint Barton & Kate Bishop with the final issues of Kate’s Marvel Legacy series and the original West Coast Avengers mini!
Head Lopper #15
I Walk With Monsters #4
Invader Zim Quarterly Zim’s Greatest Plan #1
Iron Fist Heart of the Dragon #3
Iron Man #7 - Jen Bartel “Women’s History Month” featuring Hellcat and Michael Cho “Two Tone” variants available!
Juggernaut No Stopping Now TP
Justice League #59 - the longest-running writer ever on JL’s Marvel counterpart, the Avengers, assembles his team with staples like Batman & Superman, fan-favorites such as John Stewart Green Lantern & Hawkgirl, and new comers Naomi & Hippolyte! David Marquez “Wraparound” and Jim Lee, Lee Bermejo, and Liam Sharp “Snyder Cut” variants available!
Kick-Ass vs. Hit-Girl #5
King in Black Spider-Man #1
Looney Tunes #259
Marvel #6 - final issue!
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #95
Nightwing #78 - Skan variant available for cover price!
Norse Mythology HC vol. 1
Orcs #2
Origins #5
Orphan & Five Beasts #1 - James Stokoe is unparalleled in his rendering and I’m always there for anything he does!
Power Rangers Drakkon New Dawn TP
Radiant Black #2
Red Atlantis #5
RWBY TP vol. 2
S.W.O.R.D. #4 - Matteo Scalera variant available!
Savage #2
Spider-Woman #10 - Jen Bartel “Women’s History Month” and Michael Cho “Two Tone” variants available!
Star Trek Year Five #19
Star Wars Adventures #4
Star Wars Bounty Hunters #10 - Chris Sprouse “Empire Strikes Back” variant available for cover price!
Stillwater TP vol. 1
Storyteller Tricksters #1
Superman Red & Blue #1 - similar to Batman Black & White, these oversized issues will sport out-of-continuity takes on the Big Blue Boy Scout by familiar and independent voices, starting with the Other History of the DCU’s John Ridley, Deadly Class’s Wes Craig, Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen’s Steve Leiber, Beast of Burden’s Jill Thompson, and MORE!
Tales from the Umbrella Academy TP vol. 1 - “You Look Like Death” starring Klaus, a.k.a. Seance!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #115
Thor #13 - Nic Klein and Michael Cho “Two Tone” variants available!
Transformers/ Back to the Future #3
Trials of Ultraman #1
Truth & Justice #2 - Ryan Benjamin variant available for cover price!
Ultramega #1 - Ultraman-style madness from Rumble & BPRD illustrator James Harren!
Usagi Yojimbo Saga TP vol. 1
Vampirella Dark Powers #4
Walking Dead Deluxe #11
X-Force #18