Ssalefish GSO First Look #291 for 11.30.22
From Marvel Super Hero Adventures Captain Marvel #1 Mealtime Mayhem by my pal Jacob Chabot!
Next week is the dreaded “Fifth Week” of new releases, so between the holiday and an extra Wednesday in the month, publishers and distributors will be taking it easy. That means some of your extra funds are freed up to up to use in the Holiday Sale, continuing tomorrow Friday, November 25th at 11 AM and Small Business Saturday on the 26th, still Buy 2 Get 1 FREE on everything in the store except posters, comic supplies, and recent unbagged comics and 30% OFF standard back issues!
And we’re so thankful that actor Ray Park reached out to us to do an in-store signing on Saturday, December 17th at noon! This is another one of those moments that if I went back and told the 14 year old me that stayed home from the 8th grade year-end field trip to Washington D.C. to go see the premiere of Phantom Menace instead that one day Darth Maul would be coming to him, he’d never believe it. I’m getting his copy of the Phantom Menace novelization with the Maul cover signed for him.
The following titles are scheduled to ship on Wednesday, November 30th (Tuesday, November 29th for DC) excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
007 #4
20th Century Men #4
Absolution #5 - final issue.
Approach #2
Army of Darkness vs. Reanimator Neonomicon Rising #5
Artist Elite Presents #5
Avengers Assemble Alpha #1 - setting up the endgame of Jason Aaron’s half-decade run on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!
Batgirls 2022 Annual #1
Blue Beetle Graduation Day #1
Bob Phantom #1
Briar #2
Captain America Symbol of Truth #7
Cat-Man #1
Damn Them All #2
DC’s Grifter Got Run Over By A Reindeer #1
Dead Lucky #4
Dead Mall #2
Detective Comics 2022 Annual #1
E Ratic Recharged #3
Fire Force Omnibus TP vol. 1
Flawed #3
Godzilla Rivals vs. Gigan #1
Justice Society of America #1 - I was very impressed that Geoff Johns is getting to bring in concepts from DC Universe Rebirth, now 6 years old, and Doomsday Clock!
Killadelphia #26
Koshcei in Hell #1
Legend of Korra Patterns in Time TP
Lovesick #2
Magic the Gathering Nahiri the Lithomancer #1
My Bad Volume 2 #1 - see Mike for the hard sell!
New York Ninja Super Special #1
Nightwing 2022 Annual #1
Nubia & the Justice League Special #1
Orcs The Curse #4 - final issue.
Peter Parker & Miles Morales Spider-Men Double Trouble #1
Pink Lemonade #3
Planet Hulk Worldbreaker #1 -written by original Planet Hulk and World War Hulk scribe Greg Pak!
Plush #1 - I really enjoyed the first two parts of Doug Wagner & Daniel Hillyard’s serial killer trilogy, Plastic & Vinyl, also from Image Comics and available in paperback now!
Roadie #3
Rogue Sun #8
Star Trek #2
Star Trek Lower Decks #3
Star Wars Darth Vader #29
Star Wars High Republic Adventures #1 - I actually thought the ongoing story of IDW’s High Republic Adventures in Phase I was better than Marvel’s “adult” version, we’ll see if Dark Horse can keep exceeding expectations!
Star Wars Insider Souvenir Edition 2023
Strange #8
Strange Academy Finals #2
Stillwater #16
Superman Kal-El Returns Special #1
Unbreakable Red Sonja #2
Vampirella Year One #4
Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special #1
Wolverine Patch TP
X-Factor by Peter David Omnibus HC vol. 2 - don’t let the number two on the spine fool you, volume one was just the ‘90s run, this is a brand-new story picking up right after House of M! In my opinion, this is the BEST DeciMation run, and one of the most rewarding long-form comic stories of this century! I willed this into existence by holding out for the omniboo treatment over the last decades, never settling for the dozen-plus premiere hardcovers or third-party bound collections of single issues, so I have to make sure they sell enough to finish the run with volume three!
X-Terminators #3