Ssalefish GSO First Look #260 for 4.27.22
I love the colors on this Veronica cover and the photo really doesn’t even do them justice. In person, it looks like it must take batteries to glow that bright. Available now!
Two hundred and sixty posts divided by fifty two weeks in a year means five years of new books at Ssalefish Greensboro! We would have gotten here about four weeks sooner if not for the industry-wide COVID shutdown, but we made it anyway! And what a week to take note of it with the final issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Last Ronin, the 2nd Amazing Spider-Man debut in our tenure, the Death of the Justice League, and massive milestone issue of Thor! It’s like Free Comic Book Day week came early (but you’ve gotta pay for these)!
The following titles are scheduled to ship on Wednesday, April 27th excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
Action Comics #1042 - cardstock Julian Totino Tedesco variant available for premium cover price.
Alien #11
All-New Firefly #1
Amazing Spider-Man #1 - a new jumping on point written by one of the members of the Spider-Man “Brand New Day” brain trust, Zeb Wells, and drawn by a living webhead legend, John Romita Jr.! Stanley “Artgerm” Lau, Mark Bagley, Bengal “connecting”, Rose Besch, Travis Charest, Jim Cheung, Alan Davis, Patrick Gleason “Webhead”, In-Hyuk Lee, Peach Momoko, Humberto Ramos, and Skottie Young variants available!
Aquaman/ Green Arrow Deep Target #7 - final issue.
Aquamen #3 - cardstock Mico Suayan variant available for premium cover price.
Barbarella #9
Batman Beyond the White Knight #2
Blood-Stained Teeth #1
British Paranormal Society Time Out of Mind #1
Bylines in Blood #4
Carnage #2
Cat Gamer TP vol. 1
Cat Kid Comic Club HC vol. 3
Cowboy Bebop #3
Dark Knights of Steel #6 - cardstock Joshua Middleton and Mahmud Asrar variants available.
Deathstroke Inc. #8 - “Shadow War” part 3 with a cardstock Chris Burnham variant available for premium cover price.
Department of Truth TP vol. 3
Detective Comics #1059 - cardstock Lee Bermejo variant available for premium cover price.
Draculina #3
Fourth Man #4 - final issue.
Ghost Cage #2 - very cool mini boss fighter!
Godzilla Rivals vs. King Ghidorah #1
Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #2 - I love that the first issue got right down to kaiju madness from the get-go!
Gunslinger Spawn #7
Harbinger #7
Harley Quinn #14 - cardstock Derrick Chew variant available for premium cover price.
Heavy Metal #316
Hellcop #6
Hotell #5 - final issue.
Hulk Grand Design Madness #1
Joker #14 - Alan Quah, Belen Ortega, and James Stokoe variants available.
Justice League #75 - “The Death of the Justice League” and what that will mean for the DC Universe, with Mikel Janin, Alex Maleev, Dan Jurgens, Simone di Meo, and Tony Harris variants available to mark the occassion!
Killer Affairs of State #3
Knights of X #1
Lion & Eagle #3
Monstress #39
Ms. Marvel Beyond the Limit #5
Naughty List #1
Newburn #6
Power Rangers Universe #5 - final issue.
Previews #404
Red Sonja #8
Rick & Morty Infinity Hour #2
Robin #13 - “Shadow War” part 4 with a cardstock Crystal Kung variant available for premium cover price.
Rogue Sun #3
Rogues #2
Sabretooth #3
Saga #58
Scumbag #13
Shadow Service #11
Silk #4
Silver Surfer Rebirth #4
Something is Killing the Children #22
Sonic the Hedgehog #49
Star Wars Crimson Reign #4
Step by Bloody Step #3
Stranger Things TP vol. 5
Swamp Thing #12 - cardstock Liam Sharp variant available for premium cover price.
Teen Titans Academy #14 - cardstock Dan Schoening variant available for premium cover price.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Last Ronin #5 - FINAL ISSUE!
Thor #24 - in addition to being the final issue of Donny Cates’s “God of Hammers” storyline, this is also Marvel’s Legacy numbering 750th anniversary issue and they’re bringing back the surviving pantheon of God of Thunder creators including Walt Simonson, Tom DeFalco, Dan Jurgens, J. Michael Straczynski, Olivier Coipel and more!
Transformers #42
Transformers War’s End #3
Trial of the Amazons #2 - final issue of the crossover with a cardstock Rose Besch variant available for premium cover price.
Usagi Yojimbo Lone Goat & Kid #4
Vampirella/ Dracula Unholy #5
We Have Demons #2
Zombies vs. Robots Classic #2