Ssalefish GSO First Look #273 for 7.27.22
Driving to the Jim ‘n Nick’s in Gastonia on Saturday night during HeroesCon 2019 (I didn’t realize at that point that there were closer locations), as we crossed 485 on S. Tryon and I caught a glimpse of Fury 325 towering on the horizon, I sent everyone in the car into hysterics by whispering more to myself than anyone in particular, “I like rides.”
One of my partners’ selling points to me on the Concord store is that it would be the perfect staging ground for regular trips to Carowinds and ever since Colton and I have dreamed of getting season passes, closing up shop at 7 and boogying across town to get in a few last minute rides before they closed up. As with many things with the Concord store, the best laid plans as they say…
So it took us over two years, but we finally played hooky and made a day of it, ate until our stomachs hurt, rode until we were dizzy, and waited until thankfully short lines in the sun had thoroughly baked our skin. We will sleep well tonight!
Stephen’s So-Called Emo Life!
The Captain - the new ESPN documentary about Derek Jeter. I’ll never say no to new DJ content, but I don’t see how it can be as compelling as The Last Dance featuring Michael Jordan, mainly cause Jete was a Yankee, which doesn’t lead to a supporting cast the likes of Scottie Pippen or Dennis Rodman or any shenanigans. It is very cool to hear him talk about playing for the Hornets in Greensboro and seeing footage of War Memorial Auditorium in episode one.
Nope - checking it out on Saturday night. Colton says there’s a twist that you don’t even see in the latest trailer that seems to give it all up, so I’m still pumped!
The following titles are scheduled to ship on Wednesday, July 27th (Tuesday, July 26th for DC) excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
Action Comics #1045
All-New Firefly #6
Amazing Spider-Man #6- doubling as the 900th issue of the flagship Webhead title, which means almost 100 pages and covers by Bengal, E.J. Su, Ed McGuinness, Taurin Clarke, Peach Momoko, Mark Bagley, Humberto Ramos, Julian Totino Tedesco, Jim Cheung, and Skottie Young!
Ant-Man #1
Aquamen #6 - “Dark Crisis” tie-in.
Batman Fortress #3
Batman One Dark Knight #3 - final issue.
Beauty & Feast TP vol. 3
Beware the Eye of Odin #2
Blink #1
Bolero TP - see Mike for the hard sell!
Bomba TP
Book of Shadows #1
Canto Tales of the Unnamed World #2
Captain America Symbol of Truth #3
Collector Unit 731 #4 - final issue.
Cradle of Filth #1
Crystal Planet #2
Daredevil Woman Without Fear TP
DC Mech #1
Deadly Class #54
Deathstroke Inc. #11
Detective Comics #1062
Disturbed Dark Messiah #3
Dungeons & Dragons Ravenloft Orphan of Agony Isle #2
Gambit #1
Genis-Vell Captain Marvel #1 - more ‘90s goodness for folks that dug Silver Surfer Rebirth!
Ghost Cage TP
Good Boy #3
Gunslinger Spawn TP vol. 1
Harley Quinn #17
Hawk the Slayer #2 - Heavy Metal has chosen to release second issue of the new Garth Ennis title two weeks before the first…
Hellcop #9
Hit Me #5
Hollows #1
House of Slaughter #7
How to Draw Manga Stroke by Stroke TP
Hulk by Donny Cates TP vol. 1
I Hate This Place #3
Image 30th Anniversary Anthology #4
Iron Cat #2
Jenny Zero II #3
John Carter of Mars #4
Kaiju Score Steal from the Gods #4
Killer Affairs of State #6 - final issue.
Liminal Zone HC - new collection from manga horror master Junji Ito!
Magic Hidden Planeswalker #4 - final issue.
Magic Order 3 #1 - Olivier Coipel begat Stuart Immonen, who begat…Gigi Cavenago? I checked out their Instagram and I’ll willing to roll!
Marvel Previews #6
Maw TP
Mechanix #1
My Little Pony #3
Naughty List #4
Nottingham #9
Orcs the Curse #2
Pearl III #3
Previews #407
Public Domain #2 - really enjoyed the first issue!
Punchline #13
Radiant Black #16
Radiant Red #5 - final issue.
Red Sonja #11
Rick & Morty Infinity Hour #4 - final issue.
Rick & Morty Presents Big Dumb Summer Vacation #1
Righteous Thirst for Vengeance #10
Robin #16
Rogue Sun #6
Sandman Universe Nightmare Country #4
Sins of the Black Flamingo #2
Something is Killing the Children #25
Sonic the Hedgehog #51
Spawn Scorched #8
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #22
Star Wars Obi-Wan #3
Strange #4
Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow TP - I dropped off after #2 on the issues, but I’m gonna give it another shot at Xylon insistance!
Superman Space Age #1 - a dream book for me, Mark Russell (Flintstones, Second Coming) and Mike Allred (X-Statix, Madman, Silver Surfer) doing a swingin’ ‘60s Big Blue Boy Scout book for Black Label! I beg you not to be shy of the $9.99 price tag!
Swamp Thing #15
Task Force Z #10
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #131
Thor by Donny Cates TP vol. 4
Ultramax #1
Vampire Slayer #4
Vampirella Year One #1
Variants #2
Venom #9
We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #12
Wildcards Drawing of Cards #1 - before HBO’s Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin was doing comics at Marvel through the Dabel Brothers imprint, before those brothers embezzled the money they were supposed to be paying their creators. Now he’s back!
Wolverine Patch #4
Wrong Earth Meat #1
Young Justice Targets #1 - in continuity with the cartoon currently streaming on HBO Max.
Zatanna Jewel of Gravesend TP