Ssalefish GSO First Look #313 for 5.3.23
We’re putting the finishing touches in place for Free Comic Book Day 2023! Mike has been pricing full-series packs and back issues to fill out the backstock bins (everything including the new stuff will still be Buy 2 Get 1 FREE next Saturday), I’ve got them labeled up, the case at the far end of the counter is illuminated again, and Jay just picked up a new collection of 7,000 books that will be split between the store and the warehouse!
Remember we’ll be opening and closing an hour earlier on Free Comic Book Day, so 10 AM - 6 PM instead of the usual 11 AM - 7 PM!
I was questioning why every Star Wars comic except Hyperspace Stories & Bounty Hunters plus Insider magazine and a young adult novel were coming out five days after the new video game and the day before Young Jedi Adventures and Visions season 2 are dropping on Disney+, and then I remembered May the 4th Be With You! Between Free Comic Book Day and my vacation the week after, I’m going to be playing canon catch-up all summer.
The following titles are scheduled to ship on Wednesday, May 3rd (Tuesday, May 2nd for DC) excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
Adventures of Superman Jon Kent #3
Almighty #4
Animal Castle #1
Avatar the Last Airbender I Am Aang Little Golden Book HC
Avengers War Across Time #5
Barbarella Center Cannot Hold #3
Batman #135 - doubling as legacy numbering 900, this massive milestone has spoilers leaking online already, so if you’re worried about that kind of thing, beware!
Batman #181 Facsimile Edition - reprinting the first appearance of Poison Ivy.
Batman & Joker Deadly Duo #7 - final issue.
Batman Audio Adventures #6
Blood of the Virgin TP
Blood Tree #4
Breath of Shadows #4
Buffy the Last Vampire Slayer Lost Summer #1
Carnage Reigns Alpha #1
Cult of Carnage Misery #1
Dark Spaces Wildfire TP
Dark Web TP
Demon Wars Scarlet Sin #1
Draculina Blood Simple #3
Edge of Spider-Verse #1
Elemental Little Golden Book HC
Every Day TP
Fairest of All TP
Flash #798
Godfell #3
Groot #1
Hairball #2
Hey Kids Comics Schlock of the New #2
I Hate This Place #8
Immortal X-Men #11
Joe Fixit #5 - final issue.
Joker Man Who Stopped Laughing #8
Junk Rabbit #2
Lamentation #1
Little Mermaid Ariel & the Curse of the Sea Witches TP
Love Everlasting #7
Maple Terrace #1
Mighty Marvel Masterworks Avengers TP vol. 3
MIghty Morphin Power Rangers/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #5 - final issue.
Money Shot Comes Again #1
Moon Knight #23
My Hero Academia TP vol. 34
My Little Pony #12
Peacemaker Tries Hard #1 - this new Black Label series will be more in line with James Gunn’s HBO Max show than the Garth Ennis’s 2022 Disturbing the Peace.
Pirates of the Caribbean TP
Poison Ivy #12
Radiant Black #24
Rogue State #3
Sandman Mystery Theatre Compendium TP vol. 1 - more than anything Neil Gaiman did with Morpheus, I love love love what Mage’s Matt Wagner and a pre-BPRD Guy Davis did with the golden age Wesley Dodds and his love Dian Belmont, who should be spoken in the same breath as Lois & Clark, Ralph & Sue Dibny, and Reed & Sue Richards.
Scarlet Witch #5
Shazam #1 - Mark Waid & Dan Mora kicked open the door with World’s Finest and now the whole DC Universe is there playground!
Skull & Bones #3 - final issue.
Spider-Man #8
Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #1
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Dog of War #2
Star Trek Lower Decks TP
Star Wars #34
Star Wars Darth Vader #33
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #31
Star Wars High Republic Adventures #4
Star Wars High Republic Nameless Terror #3
Star Wars High Republic Path of Vengeance HC
Star Wars High Republic Phase II TP vol. 1
Star Wars Insider #218
Star Wars Return of the Jedi Lando #1
Star Wars Yoda #8
Starsigns #1
Superman Space Age HC - I know you wouldn’t think it from the title, but this has one of the best, most original takes on Batman & the Joker that I’ve ever read, but that’s Mark Russell for ya!
Survival #1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/ Usagi Yojimbo WhereWhen #2
Trojan #4 - final issue.
Walking Dead Deluxe #62
Where Monsters Lie #4 - final issue.
X-Men Before the Fall Sons of X #1