Ssalefish GSO First Look #408 for 2.26.25
Firstly, in case you missed it, Lou Ferrigno’s plane was delayed getting to North Carolina today forcing us to reschedule our signing with him to this Saturday, February 22nd from 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM. Pricing and location is all the same, only the day and time has changed
Secondly, Colton and I are in Glendale, CA for the ComicsPRO Annual Meeting, on the cutting edge of all the latest news in the comics industry! I’m ashamed to say that the only Mexican food we’ve had came from Chipotle, but you can take the Colton out of the state, but you can’t take the state out of the Colton.
The following titles are scheduled to ship on Wednesday, February 26th excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
Absolute Wonder Woman #5
Amazing Spider-Man #68.Deaths
Amazing Spider-Man Nine Lives Has the Black Cat Epic Collection TP
Batman Long Halloween Last Halloween #5
Black Canary Best of the Best #4
Black Hammer Spiral City #4
Blade Red Band #5
Calavera P.I. #4
Captain America & Volstagg - following up on Doctor Doom & Rocket Raccoon.
Carlyle School for Kings #4
Crocodile Black TP
Daredevil #1 Facsimile Edition
Department of Truth #28
Detective Comics #1094
Dust to Dust #3
F.M.L. #4
Fantastic Four #29 - “One World Under Doom” tie-in.
Flash #18
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #314
Gatchaman #7
Godzilla vs. America Chicago #1
Green Arrow #21
Green Lantern #20
Green Lantern Dark #3
Grimm Fairy Tales #93
Harley Quinn #48
Hellhunters #3
Hello Darkness #8
Hellverine #3
Hornsby & Halo #4
Iron Man #5
Jumpscare #1
Justice League Unlimited #4
Kill Train #2
Killtown #3
Little Batman Month One #4 - final issue.
Magic Order 5 #5
Metamorpho the Element Man #3
Monstress #55
Night Club II #6
Nine Lives of Salem #1
NIghts #13
Pop Kill #1
Power Girl #18
Power Lords #2
Previews #438
Radiant Black #31
Red Hulk #1 - “One World Under Doom” tie-in.
Ripperland #2
Rogue the Savage Land #2 - as well as a reprint of the nationally sold-out first issue.
Sabretooth Dead Don’t Talk #3
Savage Sword of Conan #7
Seasons #2
Sentinels #5
Spawn Scorched #38
Spider-Man Reign 2 TP
Star Trek Defiant #24
Star Trek Section 31 Emperor Born #1
Star Wars Mask of Fear - Alexander Freed’s Battlefront and Alphabet Squadron novels are some of my favorites from the expanded universe, so I can’t wait to see his perspective on the Galactic Civil War from the Empire’s point of view!
Star Wars Rise of Skywalker Adaptation #1
Superman #23
T.V.A. #3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Saturday Morning Adventures #22
Toxic Avenger #5 - final issue.
Ultimate Spider-Man #14
Ultimate X-Men #12
Ultraman x Avengers #4
Uncanny Valley #8
Viciarious #5 - final issue.
Warm Fusion #2
West Coast Avengers #4
Women of Marvel She-Devils #1
X-Men #12