
Ssalefish GSO First Look #84 for 11.14.18

Today I want to talk to you for a bit about the Comics 4 Kids program that we launched last year in conjunction with Geeksboro Battle Pub! Throughout 2016 & 2017, Geeksboro raised money through various fundraisers, and then used those proceeds and matched donations from Ssalefish to coordinate with us and purchase four individual Free Comic Book Day comics for 2,000 kids throughout Guilford, Forsyth, and Davidson County! As the press release I linked to says, this year we’d like to double that output to 4,000 kids, which breaks down to the need of raising approximately $4K.

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Ssalefish GSO First Look #83 for 11.7.18

Grant Morrison begins writing Green Lantern next Wednesday! I haven’t been as excited about a new ring-slinger comic since the Sinestro Corps Special #1 on June 27th, 2007! I hope you’ll come out and join in on the fun next Tuesday, November 6th at 11 PM as we will our way through the blackest night for a midnight release party! The standard Liam Sharp cover will be available along with the Frank Quitely variant, a blank sketch option, and the midnight release exclusive, along with all of the week’s other new releases!

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Ssalefish GSO First Look #82 for 10.31.18

I’m definitely more excited about this year’s Halloween ComicFest than I was about our first one, or maybe even Free Comic Book Day! I think it’s because of all the collaboration that’s gone into it, and feeding off of Michole & Hannah’s energy (Hannah did all of the decorating around the store and suggested Lois’s costume, Michole made up all of the goody bags and invited Lime out). All of our other artists (Ally Haney, Beck Seashols, & Chris Giarrusso) were pumped to come back or make their Ssalefish debut, and adding the incentive of an extra raffle entry for every $10 you spend at their tables and hourly drawings will give you more reason/ time to spend with them!

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Ssalefish GSO First Look #79 for 10.10.18

Sorry for the late post, but this has been my first chance to jump on reliable WiFi since we left the hotel room early on Friday morning! NYCC was a blast once again and I'm pleased to say I'll be bringing back a trunkload of show exclusive variant covers that will be available on Wednesday along with our regular new releases, including the much-coveted J. Scott Campbell glow-in-the-dark & embossed Return of Wolverine #1 and the Dark Knight Returns #1 virgin foil! Check our Instagram & Facebook over the next few days for availability and pricing!

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Ssalefish GSO First Look #78 for 10.3.18

We’ve made it to a year and a half! To celebrate, I made the drive up to Charm City this morning for Baltimore Comic Con, and somehow with half the space this year we have exactly as much stuff crammed in the booth! I’ll be up here until late, late Sunday night, Monday will be spent prepping for the week’s shipment, Tuesday morning I’ll process the order, and then that night it’s right back up north for NYCC and visiting with family!

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Stephen MayerSsalefish Comics
Ssalefish GSO First Look #77 for 9.26.18

I hired my first flatter this week, and it’s Michole! In October it will have been three years since Smitty gave me my first flatting job (three pages of a six page SpongeBob story), and while I progressed to becoming a full colorist I always wondered why more people didn’t just do all of the work themselves. Now I know it’s because sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day, especially when you have a deadline the day after you get back from a convention. It’s like the comic book circle of life!

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Stephen MayerSsalefish Comics