Ssalefish GSO First Look #135 for 11.6.19
Since July, I’ve read every book on that shelf, plus the Black Spire novel currently in my bag and the “Perfect Weapon” digital exclusive novella, totaling roughly 10,000 page of prose. I caught up on all 27 issues of Star Wars Adventures and all of the accompanying mini series while continuing to keep up with every Marvel comic. I’ve watched all four seasons of Rebels, three and a half seasons of Clone Wars (the CG one), and the pilot of Resistance (twice). I’ve played through the story mode of Battlefront II even though I’m terrible at first-person shooters. And now all I can do is wait for my trip to Batuu!
Tuesday night, Carly & I depart on the most expensive and extensive vacation of our fifteen year relationship, a non-stop, five day, five night trek through all four Disney parks, Universal Studios AND Islands of Adventure (both in one day)!
My parents always say that going to Disney together was the thing that made them want to have kids, and while I don’t see that happening (my parents were almost 10 years younger than us and I love doing whatever I want whenever I want too much), it still feels like completing a circle. We’re meeting my cousin, her husband, and their two kids, so via Mia & Stella we’ll still get to experience the best of both worlds.
I say all this just to say, if I seem distracted for the next five days, it’s because I’m already on-world sipping a Bad Motivator IPA at Oga’s Cantina waiting on my chance to pilot the Millennium Falcon! Bright Suns!
The following titles are scheduled to ship on Wednesday, November 6th excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
Absolute Carnage Weapon Plus #1 - Matteo Scalero Codex variant available for COVER PRICE!
Addams Family Bodies #1 - based on the new animated movie!
Amazing Spider-man #33 - “2099” part 1 with a Miguel Mercado variant available!
B.B. Free #1
Batman #82 - “Year of the Villain” tie-in and the first of the month to feature one of the acetate “Villain Takeover” covers for cover price, or a cardstock Travis Charest variant available for premium cover price!
Batman Universe #5
Berserker Unbound #4 - final issue!
Black Cat #6 - Phil Noto 2099 variant available!
Black Hammer 3 for $1 #1 - reprinting the first issue fo the main series, Sherlock Frankenstein, and Quantum Age, all written by Jeff Lemire with Dean Ormston, David Rubin, and Wilfredo Torres on art, respectively, for just a buck!
Black Terror #2
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #9 - “Hellmouth” tie-in!
Coffin Bound #4
Complete Elfquest TP vol. 6
COPRA #2 - I hope you guys enjoyed meeting creator Michel Fiffe at Halloween ComicFest last weekend!
Crone #1
Daredevil #13 - Declan Shalvey 2099 variant available!
Dead Eyes #2
Deadly Class #41
Death or Glory #6
Deathstroke #49 - “Year of the Villain” tie-in with a “Villain Takeover” acetate cover or a Skan variant, both for cover price!
Die #9
Doctor Doom #2 - Larry Stroman 2099 variant available!
Dollar Comics Batman #497 - reprinting the back-breaking issue!
Dollar Comics Flashpoint #1
Doom Patrol Weight of the Worlds #5
Dragonfly & Dragonflyman #1 - the sequel to Ahoy’s premiere title, Wrong Earth!
Dreaming #15
Everything #3
Fantastic Four #16 - Greg Land 2099 variant available!
Five Years #5
Flash 80 Years of the Fastest Man Alive HC
Future Fight Firsts Crescent & Io #1
Gears of Wars Hivebusters #3
Gen Lock #1
Ghost Rider #2
Green Lantern Blackstars #1 - still written by Grant Morrison, who’s now joined by artist Xermanico, with a Darick Robertson variant available for cover price!
Grendel Devil’s Odyssey #2
Harley Quinn #67 - “Year of the Villain” tie-in with a “Villains Takeover” acetate cover or a Frank Cho variant, both available for cover price!
Heist How to Steal a Planet #1
Immortal Hulk #26
Infected King Shazam #1 - spinning out of Batman/ Superman!
Inferior Five #3
Justice League #35 - “Year of the Villain” tie-in with a “Villains Takeover” acetate cover or a Tyler Kirkham variant, both available for cover price!
Killers #5 - final issue!
Kiss Zombies #1
League of Legends Lux TP
Legion of Super-Heroes #1 - the young upstarts of the 31st century are officially back under the tutelage of Brian Michael Bendis & Ryan Sook, with cardstock Sook and Jimmy Cheung variants available for premium cover price and a FREE Legion ring of your very own with purchase while supplies last!
Life is Strange TP vol. 2
Livewire #12
Locke & Key Dog Days #1 - as things heat up for Joe Hill with his new collection of short stories Full Throttle, the launch of his Hill House Comics imprint at DC, and the build-up to his new creator-owned series Dying is Easy at IDW, he takes time to re-team with Gabriel Rodriguez for a new story set in the Eisner award-winning series!
Lois Lane #5 - variant by Unnatural’s Mirka Andolfo available for cover price!
Luthor TP
Magicians #1
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #9
Manifest Destiny #38
Marvel Action Avengers #8
Marvel Action Black Panther #5
Marvel Action Captain Marvel #3
Miles Morales Spider-man #12 - Lee Garbett 2099 variant available!
New Mutants #1 - “Dawn of X” tie-in! Jonathan Hickman has always loved the Legion of Super-Heroes and the New Mutants! One of his first works at Marvel was a New Mutants story in a very short-lived run of Astonishing Tales in 2009 (Jay’s got a sketch from Free Comic Book Day of it) and now he gets to take the helm with co-writer Ed Brisson! Plus Art Adams, Stanley “Artgerm” Lau, Mark Bagley “Every Mutant Ever”, Nick Bradshaw, Javier Garron Young Guns, and Tomm Muller designs variants are available!
No One Left to Fight #5 - final issue!
Nomen Omen #2
November HC vol. 1 - a new original graphic novel from Sex Criminals’ Matt Fraction, Star Wars Adventures’ Elsa Charretier, and Image Comics!
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Omnibus HC
Old Man Quill #11
Over the Garden Wall Soulful Symphonies #4
Pandemica #2
Pretty Deadly Rat #3
Red Sonja #10
Rick & Morty Presents Unity #1
Ruby Falls #2
Savage Avengers #7
Shoplifters Will Be Liquidated #2
Sonata #6
Space Bandits #5 - final issue!
Spawn #302 - Greg Capullo & Todd McFarlane regular, virgin and black & white and McFarlane virgin and black & white variants available for cover price!
Spider-man & Venom Double Trouble #1
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #38
Star Wars Lost Stars TP vol. 3
Strange Skies Over East Berlin #2
Superman Action Comics TP vol. 1
Superman Up in the Sky #5
Superman Year One HC
Sword Master #5
Taarna TP vol. 1
Teen Titans Go Giant #1
TMNT Urban Legends #18
Transformers #18
Undiscovered Country #1 - two comic powerhouses, Scott Snyder (Batman, Metal, Wytches) & Charles Soule (Darth Vader, Curse Words, Death of Wolverine) team-up with artist Guiseppe Camuncoli for a dytopian sci-fi future that has drawn so much interest that it’s already been options for adaptation!
Unearth #5
Vengeance of Vampirella #2
Venom by Donny Cates HC
Web of Black Widow #3
White Widow #3
Wonder Twins #9
X-Force #1 - “Dawn of X” tie-in! Even with a new utopia on Krakoa, the X-Men still need a group that’s willing to do anything to protect them! Mark Bagley “Every Mutant Ever”, Russell Dauterman Young Guns, Tomm Muller design, and Juan Jose Ryp variants available!
Yondu #1
Young Justice #10 - Nick Bradshaw variant available for cover price!