Ssalefish GSO First Look #184 for 11.11.20
What am I up to? Oh, just obsessing over one of Allan Corona’s new creations over at Thalassa Custom Basses, a replica of Matt Skiba’s Jazzmaster, which would be my 10th guitar. I need another like I need a hole in the head, but when I get like this I can’t help scheming what I could sell to pay for it, or how many relatives I could talk into pitching in instead of buying me Christmas gifts, or how good I need to be for the next two months for Santa to bring me one.
It feels completely out of control, but I try to write it off as still be passionate about things, like when I woke up extra early one morning on my day off twelve years ago and when to every comic shop in Raleigh (cause I’d already exhausted every one in Greensboro) digging through boxes until I found a copy of Mike Allred’s issue of Solo.
The following titles are scheduled to ship on Wednesday, November 11th (Tuesday, November 10th for DC) excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
7 Good Reasons Not to Grow Up TP
Alienated TP
Amazing Spider-Man #52 - Todd Nauck “Headshot” and Jeffrey Veregge “Indigenous Voices” variants available!
Amazing Spider-Man #52.LR - not seeing double, actually a completely different comic!
American Ronin #2
American Vampire 1976 #2 - Francesco Francavilla variant available for cover price!
Bill & Ted Are Doomed #3
Champions #2
Cutting Edge Siren’s Song #1
Dark Nights Death Metal Infinite Hours Exxxtreme #1
DC Super Pets Trouble on Paradise Island TP
Detective Comics #1030 - cardstock Lee Bermejo variant available for premium cover price!
Die!namite #2
Dungeons & Dragons At the Spine of the World #1
Excalibur #14 - “X of Swords” tie-in with a Jesus Saiz variant available for cover price!
Flash #765 - In-Hyuk Lee variant available for cover price!
Forever People by Jack Kirby TP - I’m not sure how it holds up out of the context of New Gods and Mister Miracle, but still a lot of fun!
G.I. Joe #10
Getting It Together #2
Girl TP
Goosebumps Secrets of the Swamp #2
Green Lantern Season Two #9 - Liam Sharp variant available for cover price!
Hawkman #29 - Sebastian Fiumara variant available for cover price!
Hellboy & the BPRD Seven Wives Club #1 - a brand-new one-shot featuring full interiors by Adam Hughes!
Iron Man #3 - Jeffrey Veregge “Indigenous Voices” variant available!
Kaijumax Season 5 #5
Kick-Ass vs. Hit-Girl #1
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #16
Marauders #15 - “X of Swords” tie-in!
Marked #9
Marvel Zombies Resurrection #4 - final issue!
Mirka Andolfo’s Unsacred HC vol. 1
Miskatonic #1
Oblivion Song #28
Once & Future TP vol. 2
Penultiman #2
Planet Paradise TP
Power Rangers #1
Punchline Special #1
Rai #9
Red Mother #10
Resident Alien Your Ride’s Here #1
Savage Avengers #14
Scarenthood #1
Seven Secrets #4
Sonic the Hedgehog #34
Star Trek DS9 Too Long A Sacrifice #4
Star Trek Year Five #16
Star Wars TP vol. 1
Star Wars Darth Vader #7
Star Wars Rebels TP vol. 1 - one of my favorite Star Wars stories, since it features all-new characters with nowhere in particular to end up as far as the Skywalker saga is concerned, is being adapted into manga!
Strange Academy #5 - Arthur Adams “Character Spotlight” and Humberto Ramos “Remote Learning” variants available for cover price!
Superman #27 - Tony Daniel variant available for cover price!
Taskmaster #1
Teen Titans Go Roll With It TP
TMNT #111
Transformers #24
True Believers King in Black Beta Ray Bill #1 - reprinting his first appearance in Thor #337 for just $1!
True Believers King in Black Black Panther #1 - reprinting his first appearance in Fantastic Four #52 for just $1!
True Believers King in Black Valkyrie #1 - reprinting Avengers #83 for just $1!
True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys National Anthem #2
Vain #2
Warhammer 40K Marneus Calgar #2
We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #3
Wolverine #7 - “X of Swords” tie-in with Kevin Nowlan and Russell Dauterman “Phoenix” variants available!
Wonder Woman #766 - cardstock Joshua Middleton variant available for premium cover price!
X-Men #4 Facsimile Edition - reprinting the first appearance of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants!
X-Men TP vol. 2