Ssalefish GSO First Look #409 for 3.5.25
In case you missed it, the biggest news out of the ComicsPRO meeting last week was that DC editor-in-chief Marie Javins and Marvel editor-in-chief CB Cebulski took the stage together to announce that there will be two new Marvel & DC crossover specials before the end of 2025! It’s still too early to add them to your ComicHub account, but rest assured that since this is the first time the Big Two have worked together in 21 years, we’ll be going deep on our orders! It was very cool to be sitting front row for something so game-changing for the industry.
The following titles are scheduled to ship on Wednesday, March 5th excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
Arcbound #4
Batgirl #5
Batman #612 Facsimile - “Hush” part 5.
Batman Full Moon #4 - final issue.
Birds of Prey #19
Blade Forger #1
Brave & the Bold #30 Facsimile
Daredevil by Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale TP - formerly known as Daredevil Yellow, this takes a look at the Man Without Fear’s career through posthumous communication with his dad, Battlin’ Jack Murdock.
Darkwing Duck #1
Doctor Strange of Asgard #1 - “One World Under Doom” tie-in.
Ducktales #3
EC Cruel Kingdom #3
Galaxy of Madness #7
Harley Quinn’s Bud & Lou Trouble Times Two TP
Helen of Wyndhorn HC
Herculoids #1
Huge Detective #4
Hyde Street #4
Immortal Thor #21
Invincible TP vol. 8
Jim Henson’s Labyrinth #6
JSA #5
Justice League Atom Project #3
Juveline #4
Knights vs. Samurai #6
Legend of Korra Mystery of Penquan Island TP
Lilo & Stitch TP
Living Hell #4
Missionary #2
Monkey Meat Summer Batch #1
Moon Knight Fist of Khonshu #6
Moon Man #7
Mothra Queen of the Monsters #1
Nice House by the Sea #6
NYX #9 - “X-Manhunt” part 2.
Poison Ivy #31
Powerpuff Girls #8
Redcoat TP vol. 1
Scarlet Witch #10
Secret Six #1
Shazam #21
Sister Imperator #1
Space Ghost #10
Spawn Sam & Twitch Case Files #11
Spectacular Spider-Man #13
Spider-Boy #17
Spider-Gwen Ghost-Spider #11
Spider-Man Homeroom Heroes #3
Star Wars Hyperspace Stories Qui-Gon Jinn HC
Star Wars Jedi Knights #1
Storm #6 - “X-Manhunt” part 3.
Teen Titans Go #1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Nightwatcher #6
Terminator #5
Thundercats #13
Tin Can Society #6
Two-Face #4
Ultimates #10
Uncanny X-Men #11 - “X-Manhunt” part 1.
Ultramega #8
Usagi Yojimbo Ten Thousand Plums #1
Vampirella #675
Walking Dead Deluxe #108
Web of Spider-Verse New Blood #1
What If? Mickey & Friends Became the Avengers #1
Wolverine #7
Wynd Power of the Blood #3