
Ssalefish GSO First Look #203 for 3.24.21

I’m very excited about this one, because it marks exactly one year since the last First Look before the shutdown, one year since me, Bret & Colton took this picture on Concord’s second day open, emulating the band playing as the Titanic sank, when we got the word that effectively immediately, there wouldn’t be any new comic shipments from Diamond and due to government decree we had to close our doors for “two weeks”, which became six weeks, seven without a “full” week of new books.

There was definitely a part of me that thought “well, we had a good run” and we’d end up liquidating all of our stock online from my basement, especially as the goal line of our re-opening was repeatedly moved back. But y’all were there with us buying everything you could via Facebook Messenger and eBay and Amazon, and you were there ready and waiting when we were able to turn the keys again! Now April will begin our 5th year in business, and every new comic we read between now and mid-May will be even better, because last year had nothing but back issues!

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Ssalefish GSO First Look #201 for 3.10.21

This late post was actually intentionally late because I “went dark” on the internet yesterday to avoid any potential WandaVision spoilers! I don’t think what I’m about to say next is a spoiler, but feel free to avoid it if you’re extra cautious!


The Vision Complete Collection, Vision Quest, Marvel-Verse Wanda & Vision, and Scarlet Witch & Vision paperbacks should all be back in print by early summer!

Falcon & Winter Soldier in just two weeks!

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Ssalefish GSO First Look #200 for 3.3.21

Several of milestones this week, our 200th week of new comics (on time every Wednesday at that ::knocks on wood::) and our longest tenured Greensboro employee’s last week at the shop (though both had some gaps along the way)!

For the last three years I’ve been so impressed by Hannah’s ability to manage 18+ course hours at school and a full time job (when I was at UNCG, I felt put upon if I was taking 12 hours and working 12 hours) and her fortitude and practicality in all situations. We knew when she graduated in December that she was destined for so much more.

In all honesty, her dependability and stalwartness has caused Jay and I to step up our game as business people (Disney is a tough resume to live up to) and personally with her resolution to social awareness and health, and she’s allowed us to live richer and fuller lives outside of the store than we had before her.

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Ssalefish GSO First Look #199 for 2.24.21

It completely slipped my mind to post yesterday because I’ve been virtually attending the ComicsPRO Annual Meeting, which is where retailers get together with various vendors, distributors, and publishers to analyze the state of the industry, see what we can do to improve for everyone involved, and get some sweet swag!

It’s interesting, while we were shut down from mid-March through mid-May and listing on eBay like mad during that time, because Carly & I don’t have kids and we don’t work from home, this is my first time using the tools that so many people have become so experienced with this year, like Zoom and Whova.

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Ssalefish GSO First Look #198 for 2.17.21

Time for another Bad Idea: Tankers #1 by Robert Venditti & Juan Jose Ryp is about mech-suited mercenaries bank-rolled by an oil conglomerate traveling to the time of the dinosaurs to ensure a richer petroleum-based future for humanity! If we learned anything from Jurassic Park, what could go wrong?!

Despite the publicized troubles in fulfilling orders for last month’s Eniac #1 with first printings, rest assured that everyone that rose up and reserved theirs by the deadline is still guaranteed the real McCoy!

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Ssalefish GSO First Look #197 for 2.10.21

Enjoying WandaVision on Disney+? We are! It’s definitely fun in a different way from the excellence of The Mandalorian and most likely the buddy cop show that Falcon & Winter Soldier will be, and the way the theories fly after every episode reminds me of when Lost or the later seasons of Battlestar Galactica were on. And since they’re based on comic book characters, or recommendations if you’re enjoying the series are Avengers Disassembled by Brian Michael Bendis & David Finch, Young Avengers by Allan Heinberg & Jim Cheung, and Vision by Tom King & Gabriel Hernandez Walta, all available on the shelves right now!

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Ssalefish GSO First Look #196 for 2.3.21

After last week’s sunshine state report, we went to Disney Springs on Friday with Carly’s friend Stephanie, and then Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure on Saturday with Miranda’s sister Margo and her boyfriend Jake, both Annual Passholders that were clutch in securing not one, but TWO rides on Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure! Unfortunately overall, unpredicted rain and what seems to be double the crowds from Disney prevented us from doing too much more despite our 2-park passes. Since my goals for the trip were to ride Hagrid and Rise of the Resistance and get a set of Ahsoka Tano’s lightsabers, mission accomplished!

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Stephen Mayer
Ssalefish GSO First Look #195 for 1.27.21

It’s been an epic two days down in Florida with my brother David and his family! Yesterday was my niece Ellie and nephew Nash’s first visits to the Magic Kingdom, today was just me & Carly at Hollywood Studios, tomorrow is a down day and then Saturday is both Universal parks! Then it’s back to the Boro first thing Sunday morning so I’m at the shop in time to process the books below!

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